Just a little background, Lexi's Story
Growing up tall is not easy from the high water pants to the jackets never being long enough for your arms to the shoes that you want not having your size because you have huge feet. Then we have those people who try to bully us because we are different. I went through and still am going through most of the things that I've stated. I still have trouble finding pants that are long enough and yes there are still some very ignorant people out here who have their opinions on my height. The thing is I couldn't live that way anymore always worried about if someone is staring at me because of my height, or worried that I don't fit in because I am so tall. It was my sophomore year in college I just said screw this and stopped caring about what others thought and started caring about how I felt about me. Loving yourself is not something that is not easy to do especially when you have scars and wounds that run so deep you think you may never recover. I am here to show you that it is possible to love yourself unconditionally. The key is to never let someone tell you what you can or cannot do; and whatever you do make sure that you are confident in doing so. So much has changed for me in my life going from the shy girl always fighting to defend herself to the loud, very opinionated, sarcastic, goofy, intelligent, confident woman that I am today. This is something that I tell myself everyday, and hopefully it'll help you too. "Stand up tall because these long legs have been setting trends for centuries"