New Year...New Me?
OH, MAN!!! It's been such a long time since I last posted an update. Regardless we are back in action! I hope that you all have been well these past couple of months. I know that a few of you were upset with me, and I had gotten some messages about when the next blog post will be coming out. Well, without further interruptions, let us get back into the groove of things.
You all already know how we start things off...If you are new here, then the first thing that I want to say is 'Welcome to A Tall Life Blog.' Next, we are going to go over how we start. The last time I uploaded a post was last October. So, I will give a refresher to all of you.
First, you all need to do is take a deep breath. Breathe in and breathe out. Next, congratulate yourself for making it to Friday. After that, either write down or say out loud all of the goals that you were able to accomplish this week. It doesn't matter if the goal was big or small. Give yourself credit for being able to accomplish what you set out on regardless of the obstacles that stood in your way. Once you're done giving yourself the props that you deserve, go forgive yourself for all of the tasks that you could not complete. Remember that it's okay if we don't complete every task we take on. Be gentle with yourself.
This is our weekly routine. We do this every week before we go into the topic. Take a second, and do it. Then continue reading.
Now that we have our weekly routine out of the way, let's dive into the juicy topic. I'm sure you all are wondering about the post title. 'New Year...New Me?' I am sure there are a few of you thinking, "It's march! The year isn't new anymore!" Now to respond to those comments, you are correct. The year is barely new anymore as we continue our stride into March, but if we were to think about it differently. We are barely scraping the surface of the new year.
This year has been one for the books already though let me tell you that. As you all know, these past two years have been the hardest times that I've had to survive. From getting kicked out, to having to move place to place, to COVID-19 shutdowns. I lost some of the people I thought were closest to me. I've lost family, friends, and business partners. My sister's house went up in flames with all of my stuff. I've lost a lot in these past two years. I've been through a lot and I am proud of where I am today.
I have been stuck on survival mode for a long time, and it's finally time I start to live and not just survive. Through the process of losing it all, I was able to find what truly makes me happy. I found what brings me joy. I found myself all over again. The year is new. So is this version of myself. I have leveled up again. I have found a part of myself that I thought was lost and bought it back to life.
If; the last two years of my life dragged me down through hellfire. Then this year, I will rise to heights you've never seen before. The great thing about falling; and having your world crash around you is knowing that the only way to go is up. I buckled down, kept my feet planted, and kept pushing forward no matter what lay before me. If you are still in survival mode, that is okay. If you are like me and transitioning from survival mode to living, that's okay too. Lastly, if you are already living life to the fullest, then continue to do so. No matter where you are on your journey remember to take it one step at a time. No one's journey is the same. Everyone takes different strides at different times. Just because you see someone accomplishing their dreams doesn't mean that you won't accomplish yours. Your time is coming! Keep striving forward while believing in yourself and your dreams.