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One Chapter Closes, & Another Begins…

Hey hey, guys!

Yes, I am back and early again this week! Man, I've been having some random creative spurts but you know I'm not complaining. It feels like forever I've felt the urge to write, to talk to you guys, to release what's even brewing inside. Before we do that though, let's get into our routine! Since it is the beginning of the week, I would like this time to access, how you started your week. Did you have a great Monday? We're you in the right mindset? How are you feeling mentally? Do you think you're mentally strong enough to make it through the week? Once you've answered these, write them down, note them in your mind, or meditate on them.  Now in the words of the general from Mulan, “Let's get down to business !”

Lately, life has been rather hectic, but that's funny to me now. From what I can remember that's what my life has always been like. In both good & bad terms. These past few months, I've had to overcome a lot of mental battles regarding my dreams. Chasing my dreams, being able to have a clear grasp on my reality, & where I am in position when it comes to chasing my dreams. Many people ask me why I don’t just focus my energy on building up one brand at a time. If I want to be completely honest I never know what to tell them or how to respond.  I guess if I had to say something. I would just tell them because my brands are not just brands. They are me, each brand that I have is apart of me and shows the growth that I have continuously made throughout the years. As I grow and continue to learn so sill each of my brands. That being said, I accomplished something this summer that could have and in all honesty should have put me at the forefront of my dreams! Unfortunately, due to my lack of belief in myself, and yes I'll say it. Irresponsibility and negligence I let it slip through my hands. When that happened I had to get a grip. I was heartbroken, distraught, and most of all disappointed in myself because I started to get comfortable in my opinion. Comfortable with how far I came and the place I was moving, I was distracted.

Since then, I have been working even harder on ME! Yes, I said me, not my brands. If I am not okay, how will I be able to handle my brands? About a month later I ended up quitting my job. There were many reasons for that but the main one was that ultimately I felt too comfortable. I didn't feel like I was pushing myself enough. I know I get told to slow down & rest but no one else is going to chase my dreams for me.

Recently I took a trip out of the country again, and I ended back up in Cancun, Mexico. This tins it wasn't a solo trip but a group one. I know you may be asking why I didn't share anything from my trip with you guys. I will get to it though! On this trip during our first day there, we ended up going to Hooters. I know what you're thinking. You went out of the country and decided to eat at Hooters. Now it may sound crazy but I will now say that it was the best decision of my life. While eating me and my friends Christain, and Link met another group of people who were traveling. We all hit it off, and we're talking & having a great time. I mentioned how I wanted to travel to Thailand, and Jack ended up mentioning that he used to work there. I was shaking! I wanted all the details and anyone would. He then told me his amazing story. From there I was mesmerized. He showed me the pictures and even the company's Instagram. What happened next was even crazier!

THEY WERE HIRING! Next thing I know Jack is telling me to DM Instagram letting them know that we know each other and I'm interested in a position. From there everything began to change. I sent in a video for my application, and the next thing you know I got a response. We were discussing things back and forth...then I got sent the email. They wanted me to submit my resume. I was shook! I edited and submitted my resume ASAP! The next thing I know I'd have an interview with the Vice president of the brand. What happened next still has me in shock. I got offered the job!

Do you guys know what this means? Do you understand what's happening? The dream of finally moving out of the country is coming true! It may not be directly to South Korea attending fashion school, but you know what I'm getting closer & in a better position that will allow me to save for school! This is the boost I have always dreamed of! I'm so excited for the next chapter of my life. So I hope that you will continue to come with me on this journey. Lucky’s journey as an ex-pat begins now!

I actually wrote this on Monday, but it still fits, so I hope you all have a great weekend!



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