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A Clear Vision

Hey everyone! How have you guys been? I hope all has been well with you and your families. I also hope that you all have been staying safe and healthy during this time. Has quarantine been treating you well, or are you already back at work? If you’re an essential worker how has work been, are you making sure to take time out for yourself. No matter what you’ve been up to whether its work or staying home due to quarantine I hope that you all have been able to continue to live through it all.

I know it’s been a while since I have had a chance to talk to you all. No, I didn’t forget about you, I just have been going through a rough time lately. Don’t think it’s just you guys though, I haven’t put up any new footage on my YouTube channel, I haven’t added any content to my Instagram, nor have I uploaded a podcast yet. I haven’t really been in much of a mood to do anything other than just lay in bed and binge watch shows on Netflix. Being stuck in the house for so long has definitely played a big role on my mental health, and I can say it hasn’t been in a positive way. If I want to be honest with you, I can feel a positive shift beginning to happen in my life. I can feel that this week will be a good one, that is a big reason I am talking to you all right now. I finally feel back to my normal self and I just want to drop some gems in your life today.

Recently I have taken on a new craft, a new trade literally. I am honestly really excited about this new venture in my life. Not only because this is another income that I will now have, but the success I have in this new trade will only help me grow my other brands and be able to help me create the change in the world I want to see. By knowing all of this, it only makes me more excited for the growth that I can see happening in my life. With that in mind it brings me into what I wanted to talk with you all about.

I wanted to talk with you all about the importance of a vision, and why you should value your vision. I recently joined a woman’s power-up zoom conference call by Courtney Edwards. I must say that it was very enlightening, and it helped rekindle the fire that suffering inside of me. The same way she helped rekindle my fire I want to throw some lighter fluid on your fire to help rebuild your flames. Are you guys ready? I know I am!

First of all, what do you think a vision is? You can either answer this in your head, out loud, or write it down. If we were to look up the definition in the dictionary you would see that vision has many different meanings. One definition says that a it is the act or power of seeing. The second definition tell us that it is the ability to plan ahead. Then lastly the third definition tells us that it is something that is imagined or dreamed. Now that you have your interpretation of what a vision is and have the definition from the dictionary compare the two. Are there any differences, similarities?

Now, if you think I came here to talk about the sight, as talked about in the first definition then you are mistaken. On the other hand, you aren’t that far off, we will be talking about power of seeing because it is important, but we will focus on the other two definitions. Just know the first definition will be incorporated to pull everything together.

Did you guys know that there is a power that comes with having a vision. Did you know that having a vision can help take you far? Did you know that you gain strength and confidence by having a vision and believing in your vision? Did you know that your path in life becomes clearer with a vision? I am not going say it is easier because nothing in life is easy, you have to be willing to put in the hard work to achieve what you want. What is your vision? You can answer out loud, but I would recommend that you write it down. Once it is on paper it becomes real; it becomes tangible.

If you don’t know what your vision is that’s okay, there are a few things I know that will help you figure out what your vision is. First, think about what makes you excited? What makes you excited to wake up and get out of bed every morning. Once you thought about that you have to make sure you are open to being a vessel. Meaning that you have to be willing to become a sponge for knowledge. You have to be coachable, willing to learn, and to be willing to go out and research the knowledge that you need to achieve your vision.

The next step is to make the vision visible. You guys remember when I mentioned writing down your vision on paper. That is all it means when I say make your vision visible. Not everyone may believe in faith but there is a verse that explains this step more perfectly than I could. It comes from Habakkuk 2:2 and says that you need to write down the vision and make it plain on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. In my opinion this is basically telling us that when we write it down, there is no way we can escape it, we are putting our dreams onto paper. We are starting to build the groundwork for what could not just change your world but others as well.

The next thing to remember is that your vision is bigger than you. It may be your vision but your reasoning for pursuing this vision has to be bigger than you. The world is vast and so is your vision; it is almost as vast as the universe itself. There is so much that you could change in the world just with your vision.

Then after that you have to make sure that you turn your vision into a verb. What I mean when I say turn your vision into a verb is that you must put in the work. Writing down your vision is good, being a willing vessel is good as well, knowing that your vision is vast is perfect. But if you are not willing to put in the work to build the path to your vision that others can follow then it will crumble away. No matter how much talk and manifesting that you do, if you aren’t putting in the same amount of work then how can you expect to accomplish that vision. You have to make sure the hard work you put in is more or equivalent to the manifestation that you are putting in the air.

Some people say that your vision has to be valid, but who considers it valid. Are we letting the thoughts and opinions of another affect what we want to accomplish? No, we are not! In that aspect I do not like that step that was given out. In my truthful opinion even if it seems like the craziest vision, or unrealistic, it doesn’t matter because you can see that vision being accomplished and that is all that matters. As long as your vision is valid to you don’t let anyone try to change it or you. Stay true to your vision, believe in yourself and your vision. Believe in the hard work that you have been putting in. Believe in the vast knowledge that you have that this vision will not only help yourself but have a positive effect in others’ lives regardless if that was your intention or not. Know that there is someone out there who is waiting for you to finish building the path to your vision so that they can see the light again.

There is this verse in Proverbs 29:13 that states where there are no vision people will perish. So just know that your vision could be the thing that will help lead people to the life that they have always wanted. Your vision is what you see when you close your eyes. It’s the dreams that you want to see made real. Your vision is what will help lead you down a path that will light the way for those that come after you. No matter how many times you fall or doubt yourself your vision will give you the strength to continuously overcome the hardship that you may face. Let your vision lead you to the future that you always wanted to see.

Thanks for hanging out with me you guys. I really did miss you guys. I don’t think you all know how much I love our family. You all are a part of my vision and I just want to say thank you for believing in my vision. I’ll talk to you guys soon! Have a great week everyone!

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