Is Patience Key?
It's been a long time right "MiBuds" I hope that you all have been well in my absence. I have been going through some tough times. I will be honest and transparent with you all as I have always been. I have been debating whether or not to update the site and post something new. It's not because I have nothing to write about but the thought of if you all are still there. Will they hear me out if I tell them why I was gone for so long. Do they feel neglected right are my readers feeling right now. Since I know that many of you resonate with my writing, I know it may have been hard not only on me but also on you that I have been gone for so long. I can say that the time I spent away no matter how much I want to admit it, was needed but also on the other hand I can say I stayed away too long. Not because of you guys though but for my sake. Writing is something that has always been very therapeutic for me. I always looked forward to updating my blog and telling you guys a new story. Now as I type away on my laptop I can feel a load coming off my chest and the clouds clearing from my head. This is a feeling that I have truly missed. I missed you "MiBuds" and I can say with confidence now that I am back and I have no intention of leaving you for that long any longer.
Now, I am not sure if you all remember our routine that we always did before we dive into the story of the day. Although before we do that I want to say a warm welcome to all of the new readers here and a welcome back to all of my dedicated readers. I have missed you all! Now, it is time to unpack our week. For all of the new readers, the reason that I update my blog on Fridays is so that we can unpack the week that just came to an end. All the good and the bad we unpack it, we dive into trying to understand it and then pat ourselves on the back for not only making it through but still accomplishing even the small goals that we set for ourselves. The small accomplishments that we didn't even know we accomplished. I want you all to take a few minutes before you continue reading to unpack your week. Pat yourself on the back for all the things you have accomplished and the obstacles you made it through.
Now that we have finally unpacked the week its now time to dive into the topic of the day. As you can see the title of today's blog "Is Patience Key?" As you all know the past few months of my life have been life-changing for me. From getting kicked out of my family home, to losing one of the closest people to me, to my sister's family home catching fire with us inside of it, and so on. You can probably look at me and ask how is still standing. How is can she still be doing all of these amazing fets. How is it that she can stay so positive? Well, that is a question that I ask myself every single day. How is it that I can still wake up every morning, pull myself out of the bed, and continuously pour my entire heart into my brands? I am now truly living the life of a struggling artist. I went from couch surfing at my three closest friends' houses, to live with my older sister, to now staying with my aunt in a place so far from what I am used to. I went from sleeping in the basement on a air mattress to sleeping on a couch. Then gaining the courage to finally publicly come out as Pan-Sexual and having the pronouns she/they.
I am not saying all of this to complain or to try to make you feel sympathy for me, because this is my truth this is what life has thrown my way these past few months. Not saying that there haven't been some bright moments along the way. I was able to connect and work with a marketing group for my clothing line, to being accepted into the program that will allow me to go teach English in South Korea. To be able to receive my TEFL certification. The most important part I have been able to wake up every single day. When on some days I thought I wouldn't even be able to do that. There is much I am thankful for, and then on the other hand there is still much weighing on me.
I was never one who was very good with patience and waiting for things to happen. I have always been the type to create the ending I want. I have always been the one to get things done and accomplish things because I didn't like the waiting process. That's why I asked if patience is key to life, and if it is what am I waiting for? Why do I have to be patient? Why is there a need for patience when all things around have been leaving swiftly and without hesitation? Why do we always have to patient enough to wait for the light, the opportunity, and the success that we want to happen in our lives?
I may not like the idea of being patient, but over the past few months, I have been able to come up with a few answers as to why we have to be patient. If you don't mind, I will let you know my thoughts. The reason that I have kept close to my heart is that it is now giving us the time to refine and polish the craft and the life we truly want. I was always told that I need to be able to have a plan A, B, or C in life in case one doesn't work. Not saying that this is wrong. Theirs nothing wrong with having a plan if something doesn't work out. On the other hand in my head, I have been thinking. if we are so focused on plans B and C, how can we believe that plan A will come to fruition? The second idea that I have been keeping close to my heart is that patience is a part of manifestation. We have to have patience as we continue to manifest our dreams because sometimes things don't happen overnight and we must continue to put in the hard work, dedication, and most importantly we much have the patience to believe in not only ourselves but also our dreams. We have to continuously give ourselves not only the energy but the power of believing that everything that we do is all a part of the plan that will take us to the next level.
No matter how much pain we go through, no matter how much time may go by. If we can continuously push forward and believe in ourselves there is nothing that we can't do. As we continue to work on our patience, as we continue to dedicate ourselves to our craft. It doesn't matter if we are getting the recognition that we think we deserve, as long as we keep going and don't stop there is nothing that we truly cannot do. No matter how long it may take trust me if continue to be patient and move forward believing that your plan will come to fruition then it will. There is a power in the words that we speak, so continue to speak all your dreams to life. This can apply to all aspects of your life, whether it is self-love, your craft, school, etc. continue to move forward believing that you will accomplish it all. I know you can do it because I know that I can do it. Not everyone's circumstances are the same, but you can look at mine as an example, and I only scratched the surface when telling you all, but just know nothing can stop you if you have the determination. So keep going guys. You can do it!