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Life Update

Hey guys it seems like it has been forever since I last gave an update; but in all actuality it hasn’t been that long at all. I hope you all have been doing well and staying healthy during this time where we are being told to stay in our homes because of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Stay indoors if you can, you don’t want to put yourself or your loved ones at risk. I do hope you and all your loved ones are staying safe and healthy during this time.

Now, that I have gotten my greetings to you all out the way, I want to dig into what I wanted to tell you. No this isn’t going to be a review of a product or a tale about an adventure I had while traveling. This is just going to be an update on how life is going right now while in in quarantine.

I have been staying home for almost two weeks now, and to be honest I haven’t had too many problems with having to be in the house. I’ve been able to keep myself busy with multiple projects. One that includes starting a podcast. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking…and yes this is actually something that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time.

In all honesty, I want to make sure that no matter where you go that being tall is one the most unique things in the world. Your height is beautiful and makes you even more amazing than you already are. I want to fill every outlet I can with tall girl magic, with that being said if you do want to follow my pages, I will put the information at the end of this post.

I have also had the time to clear out my email, also edit and post some new footage on Instagram and YouTube. While doing that I have also had to stop taking custom orders with my clothing line Skye-Rose Designs LLC. The fashion show that was schedule for March 26th got canceled due to safety precautions. Also, the photo shoot that I had scheduled for my clothing brand on April 5th has also been canceled as well.

As you can see this virus has taken complete control of my life and momentum of my brand. Well, at least that’s what someone on the outside looking in would say, me on the other hand I am excited for the challenge. This has given me a drive like no other. In my opinion you become the best you when you are pushed into a corner.

There is going to be some change that will happen within you during this time of quarantine. Whether that be a big change or small you will come out of this a brand-new person than you were before. I know a lot of you are upset that your school years are getting cut short, and some graduations are being cancelled; but who says that has to be the last word.

You can take this time to challenge your schools not to cancelled it but to postpone, it until this pandemic has passed. You can use this time to do all of the projects that you have been thinking of. You can take this time to get the best rest of your life. I know a lot of us need it. No matter what you do during this time you are changing every step of the way. Being forced to adjust to an entire new lifestyle takes some type of change…don’t you think?

On the other hand, my life has been going well due to the circumstances we are faced with. I am not going to lie to you all and say that I am blessed to be at the point to make a complete income from home just yet. Just typing those words on my laptop gives me chills, but to be able to say it is brave and takes strength in my opinion. Admitting that you have flaws is not easy. It also doesn’t mean that I will always be at this point. I plan to continue pursuing my passions and I know one day I will look back on these days and be grateful for the experiences I faced.

I worked at Buffalo Wild Wings part time as a server, and due to the circumstances, I won’t be going into work for the time being. With that being said this time that I have off is almost a blessing. It is giving me the time I need to be able to do the projects that I’ve been continuously writing down in my notebook. Even though I am forced to adjust my income and depend on my business, that is okay because I have always wanted to get to that point. This is giving me a challenge and can help me navigate my way to the future I always wanted.

I am not telling you this to make you feel as though you have to go and accomplish all of this. What I am telling you is that you have the time to learn to decide what you want to do with your life. How will you handle not being able to go to work if your job has been closed down? How will you handle all of the cutbacks if you are still going into work? How will you handle all of your online classes? Things are all things that you can only answer for yourself. No one can tell you the right decisions to make, even if you are a child. Your parent can only guide you on the path, but the choices you make along the way are yours alone to make.

I hope that I was able to help take your mind off your boredom at this time. Continue to take it one day at a time, and do not try to overwhelm yourself. Even writing this post to you all was on a whim. I just felt the urge to give you a little motivation in a time where there is so much chaos all around. Again, I hope you all are staying safe and healthy during this time and remember stay at home if you can. Only go out for essentials, you staying home saves lives. I’ll talk to you all soon, bye.

A Tall Life PodCast:

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