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Welcome to Barcelona

So, as you all know I have flown half way across the world to go study abroad in Barcelona, Spain. I can say this; it has been an experience of a life time and it’s only been  1 week since I’ve been here. In that one week I have made a group a friend who has shown me that you can come from any state, and any walk of life and have the same problems, views on the world, and creativeness. With these group of girls, they have been able to make this trip an amazing experience. 

So, on June 16 I made my way to the airport, and that was an adventure within its self. I had got the airports wrong I thought I was leaving out from Ronald Regan, when in fact I was flying out from Dulles international. This was a simple mistake that could have made me miss my flight, but my mom made sure that I was able to make it. As we get to the airport it is so crowded it’s hard to just move around. 

I get my tickets and get checked in with United Airlines. As I go in and start waving goodbye to my mother. It didn’t hit me that I would be leaving my best friend for a while and I start to cry but I try to make sure she doesn’t see me. I tried my best to keep a strong face on for her, but in all actuality, I had tears running down my face as I walked away. This is my first time out the country and being so far away from her, but I knew that she was so proud me. So, as I realize my boarding time is 4:45 it’s already 4:30 and I had to walk all the way across the airport to find me gate. So, I don’t have time to stop for a snack I’m just speed walking so fast because I don’t want to miss my flight. But as you can see, I didn’t miss it; I made it to the gate just in time for boarding. 

So, here is one funny thing about me. I may be Tall with extra-long legs but it’s something about a window seat on a flight that I love. Being able to look out the window and see the world below you. It gives your perspective of how small and insignificant things look from above.

So as the flight starts to take off, I start talking with the person sitting next to me. Her name was Alex George, she was telling me how she had missed her flight because a planes tire popped, and they had to send planes to land somewhere else. She had to go through so much to get on this flight, and in the end, she was a day late to her internship. We talked about life, our goals, and our expectations for when we got to Barcelona.  

I was so happy when it was dinner time, and I have never eaten dinner on a flight before, so this was a new experience for me. So, for dinner I ate a salad with a balsamic dressing. Baked chicken with rice and cheese. It also had Spanish and carrots in it. This meal also came with a roll, and for dessert they gave me a mango sorbet. The food was so good, I was surprised that even in the economy section of United Airlines got good food. Then also I didn’t know that United Airlines let you watch movies on the flight for free. I was in a shock when I found out, they also give you a free pair of headphones if you don’t have any. 

So, as I ate my dinner, I watched Lady and the Tramp. It may sound a little childish but who doesn’t love a classic Disney movie. Plus, I am still a kid a heart! After that I watched Aquaman and by that time it was time to be served breakfast. I was shocked because I only thought the meal that was included was dinner. But the breakfast was just as good as the dinner. They gave us croissant with a Chobani smooth strawberry yogurt. I also had an orange juice with this meal. I was again impressed my food it was absolutely delicious. 

By the time I was done it was time for landing.

At this time, it was no longer June 16, but June 17. I had been up for what felt like 24 hours. But little did I know my fat wouldn’t stop there. Once we got off the flight, we had to go through customs which took us about an hour to get through. I can say I have never felt so many eyes on me in my life. Then to make things even more awkward I was the only African American that was in that line. I had my Afro out plus being 6’4 I definitely stood out, but I was okay with that. Because I love my height and I love my natural and no one can take that from me. So, everyone I wound catch someone staring I would just speak and say hello. 

After finally making it through customs it was gone to go get our bags from baggage claim. I was happy my luggage made it here without any problems. After that it was time to leave my airplane buddy Alex and find my group that I was supposed to meet. The meeting tone wasn’t until 10 and I had landed about 8:30 but going through customs took an hour so I didn’t get my bags until 9:30. So I had to wait about 30 minutes, As I waited, I spotted orange shirt that said CIEE on it. I found the person who was meeting us!

I checked it with the student leaders, but we also had to wait for other people to land because a lot of flights had seemed to be delayed for some reason.  As more people get there, we are still waiting so we go over to this little cafe and sit down. At that tune I was still the only African American girl surround by different ethnicities. Then as more people arrive these 2 African American girls show up and little did, I know that those 2 would end up being some of the closest friends I make here. 

One was name Dee the other Das. Of course, these aren’t their real names, but they are the nicknames they told me to call them. Both were from the same school which was Benedict College in South Carolina which is also an HBCU. While talking with them I felt so at ease that I could just be myself. (You see here’s the thing I am a very good reader of the energy that people put out, and some of the energy that I felt made me feel a bit uncomfortable to the point I was just staying to myself.) So after about 5 more minutes we are leaving out to head to the shuttle. 

Now the shuttle bus ride is really where me, Dee, and Das clicked. I think that it was be fine everything felt so real and natural with all of our conversations. Nothing felt forced! So, we get to the hotel where orientation is, and it is just beautiful. The hotel is called Hotel Montblanc, even the name is beautiful. As orientation starts, they take us to a cafe to get us some coffee or something to drink and also that’s where the others would meet us. 

The cafe was just beautiful, but me not being such a coffee fan I just stuck with some orange juice. Now let me tell you this orange juice I had tasted so good and fresh. I never tasted anything like it before. But little did I know that I would meet and group of girls who would become some of my closest friends. I had met  Danica, Rosie. I don’t know what it was but we all just clicked. It felt so natural when we had conversations and our views on the world not just personally but also creatively where so similar. 

Danica and Rosie were from Seattle Washington and went to The University of Washington. This group of friends I made came from everywhere in the states and different walks of life. Then there was also Keturah, who also went to Benedict College. Then Olivia who goes to Grinnell College.

After that we went back to finish orientation and to get taken to either our home stays or shared apartments. So, this was my first tune meeting my roommates even though we started a group chat earlier so that we could introduce our selves. I had 3 roommates which eventually went down to only 2 roommates because one moved out. But I like my roommates, Kate and Jwan. We may not be close, but we look after one another like family. 

The next day June 18 it was another day of orientation. But this time they served breakfast to us at the hotel and I had a cheese croissant and some orange juice. But today’s orientation was about  a “single story” which is basically how one person can use one specific story they hear about a country or a culture and believe it to be true for everyone without doing any research or talking with anyone from that country. So, we learned more about Barcelona’s history and some things to do and what not to do. 

After that we were free to explore the city. We ended up finding this amazing Sephora  that had a slide in it. We actually made 2 new friends there who just so happen to would there. One named Levin who was originally from the states but who is a dancer. Then Sawcy who was born in Barcelona who was a rapper/ singer. Both spoke amazing English and gave us so many ideas on beautiful places to see in the city. They were so polite to us, and also so talented. Levin did a dance for us and Sawcy gave us a performance. Both are amazing at their craft and will be big names soon. After that we decided that we were all hungry, so we went to lunch together. We stopped at this pasta bar called Macchina Pasta bar. I got their pesto roses with spinach and penne integrales. This pasta so good it was amazing. 

I had to leave because I had to go meet my student leader because she was taking us to the market by our apartment. This was my first time on the train by myself in Barcelona, but I wasn’t nervous or scared. I am from a city myself and the things they told us to watch out for here are the same things I have to look out for when I’m home in the states. Plus, if you look scared, people will know that you are not from here. It is high tourist season in Barcelona which means pick potting crimes are very high. I actually made it to my apartment without any issues whatsoever, so I was proud of myself. 

After that we went to the market called Glòries it was so beautiful and vibrant. Then we went in the grocery store and everything was so fresh and cheap. Plus, it was all in Spanish but the crazy thing is I still remembered all of my lessons so I could read and understand everything. I was shocked at myself. 

Then on June 19th it was another orientation day, but this time they took us on a hike and also to see the Montessori of Saint Cugat Del Vallés. It was such a beautiful town and building. There was so much beauty not only on the outside but the inside as well. After the hike they took us to lunch at Let's Burger. I had this amazing pasta and chicken with peppers. The pasta was amazing, it almost reminded me of Beefaroni. But the chicken was good I just feel like I needed some hot sauce to go with it and it would have been A1. Then for dessert I got to eat a blueberry mousse that was topped with fresh cranberries and on the bottom were gram cracker crumbles. It reminds of ice cream as it starts to melt, not too hard and not too soft. With the gram cracker crumbles that were added made the taste even better. 

By June 20th it was time to start my summer course! I was excited for more reasons than one because 2 of my friends were in the same class and I was also interested in the subject as well. My professor was such an interesting dude. He was the type to say a joke and laugh at the joke before anyone else would. It was such a funny class, but also informative. Even though it’s an international management he was giving us information about the history of the city along with the information that we needed. 

This entire experience from the flight to orientation to my first day of class has been an amazing one. I have got to meet so many great people and eat so much great food. This has only been week one of my month-long study abroad trip. I am so excited to see what memories me and my friends are able to make next. 




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